Event Dates

July 15 - September 16, 2022

SHOP 108, located within 108|Contemporary is accepting submissions from Oklahoma artists for the 2023 year. We are looking for craftspeople whose work represents the cutting edge of the region’s fine craft art. Submissions accepted July 15 – September 16, 2022. Work that meets the jury selection process and criteria will be showcased to sell on-site and online throughout the 2023 calendar year. Artists may apply for Annual Artist or Feature Artist positions. (Details below.) Both include marketing/PR & sales opportunities as well as arts district traffic and exposure. The annual Holiday Shop kicks off in November, with additional marketing strategies and is open for Annual and Feature Artists. Apply for SHOP 108 today!

Submission Form

SHOP 108 Annual Artists | Submission Requirements
  • Artist must be a 2023 resident of Oklahoma
  • Artist must be a member of 108|Contemporary (not a member? click here)
  • Artwork must be current, handcrafted, and original
  • Artwork must not misappropriate images or violate copyright laws
  • Artist must disclose any elements contracted or executed by others
  • Artist must include a written statement (300 words) that includes: — Materials, processes, background, training, and specific connection(s) to contemporary craft — 8-10 digital images (300dpi +1000 x 1000 pixels) with title and price for each
SHOP 108 Annual Artists | Benefits
  • Artwork displayed in SHOP 108 through 2023
  • Promotion via 108|Contemporary social media and advertising
  • Ability to track personal inventory and sales from any device with internet access
  • Opportunity to refresh work each month via SHOP 108’s Exchange Schedule
  • Additional promotion and exposure via Nov-Jan Holiday Shop in-store and online
SHOP 108 Feature Artists | Submission Requirements
  • Artist must be a 2023 resident of Oklahoma
  • Artist must be a member of 108|Contemporary (not a member? click here)
  • Artwork must be current, handcrafted, and original
  • Artwork must not misappropriate images or violate copyright laws
  • Artist must disclose any elements contracted or executed by others
  • Artist must include a written statement (300 words) that includes: — Materials, processes, background, training and specific connection(s) to contemporary craft — 8-10 high resolution images (300dpi) 1000 x 1000 pixels labeled with title and price
  • Artist must include a written proposal (300 words) that must include: — How you will use the stipend — be specific — How will this opportunity may elevate your work, materials, or process — How will your work increase awareness and understanding of contemporary fine craft
SHOP 108 Feature Artists | Benefits
  • Artwork displayed in SHOP 108 for two months
  • Promotion via 108|Contemporary social media and advertising
  • Exclusive video interview promotion and advertising
  • A $250 stipend to create original innovative work
  • Premiere placement and/or window display to showcase work
  • Incentives for patrons & partners via 10% shop discount (deducted from 108|Contemporary’s portion)


Submission Form

For questions and concerns email han@108contemporary.org