By supporting 108|Contemporary with your membership contribution today, you will be helping 108|Contemporary fulfill its mission and at the same time receive valuable membership benefits. Check out our benefits package below and become a member today!
- Exclusive tours/learning opportunities
- Special recognition on website
- Special recognition in catalogs
- Copy of exhibition catalogs
- Discount on gallery rentals
- Invitations to patron appreciation event
- Same benefits as Individual
- Reciprocal Memberships with ROAM and NARM participating locations. This gives you an additional membership with participating locations.
PATRON $500 | $41.67 monthly
- Special recognition in catalogs
- Copy of exhibition catalogs
- Discount on gallery rentals
- Invitations to patron appreciation event
- Same benefits as Individual
- Reciprocal Memberships with ROAM and NARM participating locations. This gives you an additional membership with participating locations.
SUPPORTER $250 | $20.84 monthly
- Discount on gallery rentals
- Invitations to patron appreciation event
- Same benefits as Individual
- Reciprocal Memberships with ROAM and NARM participating locations. This gives you an additional membership with participating locations.
FRIEND $120 | $10 monthly
- Invitations to patron appreciation event
- Same benefits as Individual
- Reciprocal Memberships with ROAM and NARM participating locations. This gives you an additional membership with participating locations.
- Same benefits as Individual for entire household
- Invitation to annual member appreciation event
- 10% discount in the gallery and Shop 108
- Invitation to submit to our members exhibition
- Annual invitation to submit to Shop 108
- Discounts on submission fees
- 10% discount on our 108 Workshops
- Invitation to join our private members only Facebook group
- Same benefits as Individual